
10 Sep 2019


“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” Proverbs 12:25 NIV 

One of the most frustrating struggles for a child of God is anxiety. It is a situation we never want to experience. In theory, we should easily overcome our problems because we believe God is so much more bigger.

In reality though, this is not always the honest case. We feel the pressure of our situations and become so absorbed in it. There seems to be no way out. Then comes the sense of hopelessness on top of growing doubt. What about tomorrow? 

So then, why is God so concerned about my anxieties? 
Because an anxious heart weighs a person down. It is a cruel and heavy burden. Anxiety cripples our ability to live life in light of God’s redemptive grace through Jesus. It gets in the way of us enjoying His presence in our lives. 

When we are so absorbed in the difficulties of life and remain focused on them, we lose sight of grace. What anxiety does is place future worries on the present, and greatly deprives us of the happiness we find in God.

Humanly speaking, the simplest thing we can do to uplift an anxious heart is to offer kind, encouraging words. Spend time in prayer. Pray for one another. Cast all your worries before God. In truth, that may be all the reassurance needed during trying times. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV

Tini Toala
